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December 29, 2012

If I had a son…

I would have given my son no different treatment than my daughters. Same chores. Same freedom. Same rules. Same reprimands…

I would teach him to share equal responsibility at home. In the kitchen. Doing laundry. Cleaning…

I would not hesitate to talk to him about sex and associated topics.

I would have talked to him about gender respect. Told him that it is not okay look at a girl’s breasts while talking to them. Told him that he too has an extra piece of flesh between his legs just like females have on the chest. 

Told him that it is not okay to use words like ‘cheez’ ‘maal’ etc while talking about girls. 

Told him that if it is okay for males to drink and smoke it is the same for females. Does not make them cheap or available. 

Told him that no matter what clothes she is wearing it is her choice. Just like how so many males wear the all revealing dhotis and ganjis and swimming trunks and half their briefs with their low waisted jeans.

Told him not to let his friends do the same. Stop friends from using sexist abuses in day to day conversations.

Told him that a female has a wonderful brain too besides a vagina and breasts. And to pay attention to that.

The list is endless. And I do not have a son.

I have two wonderful strong opinionated daughters who constantly keep these issues alive where ever they are and whatever way they can. In discussions with family and friends and domestic help. By their presence at protest marches. By reading and sharing articles. By standing up against any kind of injustice.  By just being what they are. And I am very proud of them.

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