- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Fear
- Moodiness
- Embarrassment
- Jumpy
- Depressed
- Hostile/Angry
- Frustrated
- Self-criticism
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty in making decisions
- Forgetfulness
- Mental disorganization
- Preoccupation with the future ("what
- Repetitive Thoughts
- Fear of Failure
- Tight muscles
- Cold or sweaty hands
- Headaches
- Back of neck tension
- Tense shoulders
- Sleep disturbance
- Stomach distress
- More colds and infections
- Fatigue
- Rapid breathing
- Pounding heart
- Trembling
- Dry mouth
- Sore or tired eyes
- Heart or chest pain
- Oily skin; acne
- Butterflies in stomach
- Stuttering
- Other speaking difficulties
- Crying
- Acting impulsively
- Nervous laughter
- "Snapping" at others
- Teeth grinding
- Jaw clenching
- Increased smoking
- Alcohol or drug use
- Being prone to more accidents
- Increased appetite
- Decreased appetite
- Frequent urination